Regulatory Risk Rating
Regulatory Risk
Regulatory Risk
Regulatory Corruption Risk
Very High
Regulatory Corruption Risk
Regulatory Corruption Risk
Corruption Exposure Risk
Corruption Exposure Risk
Corruption Exposure Risk
Regulatory Risk Rating Factors | Risk Level |
1st Come / 1st Serve | Subscribe |
Application Criteria | Subscribe |
Competing Licences | Subscribe |
Right to Renew | Subscribe |
Duration | Subscribe |
Mineral Coverage | Subscribe |
Right to Mine | Subscribe |
Criteria for Mining Rights | Subscribe |
Tenure | Subscribe |
Surface Rights | Subscribe |
Government Take | Subscribe |
Transfer Rights | Subscribe |
Change of Control | Subscribe |
EIA Process | Subscribe |
Power to Revoke | Subscribe |
Age of Legislation | Subscribe |
Other Factors | Subscribe |
Total | Subscribe |
Tanzania has a modern mining code that has clearly attempted to bridge the apparent gap between government and private interests; at first blush, it appears balanced and well thought through, but a more careful and critical review of the legislation leaves an investor having to judge whether or not those areas of governmental discretion will lead to potential misuse and even encourage corruption. One can imagine a limited small changes to the code that would move its ranking nearer 75.
Regulatory Risk Rating
Regulatory Risk
Regulatory Risk
Regulatory Corruption Risk
Very High
Regulatory Corruption Risk
Regulatory Corruption Risk
Corruption Exposure Risk
Corruption Exposure Risk
Corruption Exposure Risk